Triggers in RED : Only available for Mod/OP
Triggers in GREEN : Available to anyone (might be subject to use an antiflood system)

Calamity Calamity Calamity blank
Calamity blank
Calamity blank
Calamity Calamity Calamity blank
Calamity blank
Calamity blank
Calamity Calamity blank
blank blank blank blank blank blank
!gtfo Go To F*ck Off
use : !gtfo <nick> <time in minutes> reason
What it does : Ban someone from the channel for a set amount of minutes with or without a reason
!hypnojiggle Hypno Jiggle
use : !hypnojiggle <nick>
What it does : Kate will try to hypnotise someone by jiggling in front of him/her

Russian Roulette
use : !roulette <nick>
What it does : Kate will take a gun and shoot at the person asked (or not) in the command. You have one chance on six to get shot (kicked from the channel).

!stab Stabbing
use : !stab <nick>
What it does : Kate will take a random item (set in a list with !addstab) and stab someone with it a random amount of time.
!addstab Adding a stab item
use : !addstab <item> (only works in private)
What it does : Adds a new item on the list

use : !spin
What it does : Asks Kate to spin

  !radio Online Radio
use : !radio
What it does : Gives out in a private message the URL of the online radio
  !rules Rules
use : !rules <nick>
What it does : Gives out the URL of the channel's rules to a person (or to self)
blank blank blank blank
blank blank blank blank
blank blank blank
blank blank
blank blank
blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank


!addDA Adding deviantART URL
use : !addDA <nick> <dA URL>
What it does : Adds a nick and its deviantART account to Kate
!changeDA Changing deviantART URL
use : !changeDA <nick> <da URL>
What it does : Changes someone's deviantART account set on Kate
!removeDA Removing deviantART URL
use : !removeDA <nick>
What it does : Remove someone (and his/her account) from the list set on Kate
!dA deviantART URL
use : !dA <nick>
What it does : Gives out the deviantART account URL of the nickname specified
!chkurl Check URL
use : !chkurl
What it does : Tells you how many links you can still post in the channel (you can post a maximum of 10 per 24 hours, after you get temp banned if you still post some)
!seen Seen
use : !seen <nick>
What it does : Lets you know the last time someone was seen on the channel
!peak Channel's peak
use : !peak
What it does : Gives out the record of people online in the same time on the channel

This list is subject to change at anytime. Please check it regulary.

Calamity & Ory are is the property of kokido